Track 2: Active Vision and Interaction 主动视觉和交互 (Flyer Download)

Track Chair

Prof. Lihui Wang 王立辉教授
Soochow University, China 苏州大学

Biodata: Lihui Wang received Ph.D. degree from the University of Tokyo, Japan, in 2014, and then he was a Project Assistant Professor and Project Researcher in the same university till 2019. He was then a professor of Engineering at the Guangdong Academy of Sciences, China to 2024. Currently, he is a professor in Soochow University, China. His research interests include adaptive optics system, high-speed visual feedback, dynamic image perception, and dynamic interaction.


Track 2 Speakers

  Lei Li, Sichuan University, China

Biodata: Prof. Lei Li is a professor at Sichuan University. He is engaged in the liquid lens, imaging, and display technology. Hosted 5 national-level scientific research projects and also led horizontal cooperation projects with Huawei and Simou. He has published 46 first/corresponding author papers in international authoritative journals such as Advanced Functional Materials, Opto Electronic Advances, PhotoniX, Optics Letters, Optics Express, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, and has been granted 9 first inventor patents. As one of the chief editors, he has authored 1 academic monograph and the Outstanding Western Science and Technology Achievement Award in 2023. He has given more than 20 invitation presentations at international and domestic academic conferences and served as the chairman of three international academic conferences.
李磊,四川大学研究员、博士生导师。 从事液体透镜、成像和显示技术。主持了5项国家级科研项目,并主持华为、思谋等横向合作项目。在本学科领域的国际权威期刊Advanced Functional Materials、Opto-Electronic Advances、PhotoniX、Optics Letters、Optics Express、Optics and Lasers in Engineering等期刊上发表第一/通讯作者论文46篇,授权第一发明人专利9项,作为主编之一编撰了学术专著1部,参研的项目获得了2023年优秀西部科技成果奖。在国际国内学术会议做邀请报告20余次,并担任国际学术会议的分会主席3次。

Speech Title: Liquid Lens and Intelligent Deflectable Imaging System 液体透镜及智能化偏转成像系统


  Wei Zhang, Shenzhen Technology University, China

Biodata: 张维,深圳技术大学副教授,德国弗赖堡大学博士,新加坡国立大学博士后。 目前开展的主要研究方向:微型液体透镜设计及基础应用;微型自由表面光学系统设计;微机电(MEMS)微型驱动器、传感器研究;深度学习在自动变焦成像系统的基础研究。在多个光学及微机电重要期刊发表论文二十余篇,参加重要国际会议十余次,申请国际和国内发明专利两项。学术成果分别获得SPIE 光学学会Rudolf Kingslake Medal and Prize 奖章及《中国光学》期刊优秀论文。已主持和参与国家级基金4项、省市区级基金5项。


  Bitao Zhang, Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, China

Biodata: 张碧陶,教授,硕士生导师,主要从事机器人的运动控制系统及伺服系统的协同控制理论及应用研究,多项研究成果达到国际领先水平,主持多项国家级、省级重点项目,发表高水平论文30余篇,申请发明专利60余件,具有丰富的成果产业化经验,兼任香港科技大学霍英东研究院高级顾问、广东省机械工程协会电机分会副理事长等职务。