Xi'an University of Technology 西安理工大学
Address : NO.5 South Jinhua Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China | 地址:陕西省西安市金花南路5号

Xi'an University of Technology (XUT) is a comprehensive public university featuring mainly in science and technology, which is jointly constructed by the Shaan'xi provincial and central government. Our university was founded in 1949, and has a history of 64 years so far. It was known as Shaanxi Institute of Mechanical Engineering before January 1994, which was established by combining Beijing Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Shaanxi Polytechnic University in 1972.
XUT has always been sticking to the guideline of meeting the needs of the state's economic construction and social development, as well as abiding by the tenet of Humanity-oriented Education and Unity of the Knowing and Doing, making strict management and excellent cultivation quality our prime priority. Over the years we have cultivated thousands of intellectuals with creative spirits, sophisticated theoretical knowledge, excellent practical skills who are playing an active role in their own fields both at home and abroad. Our university has been actively exploring modes of international education cooperation and exchanges which aim to make more students be able to accept international diversified education and training. We also positively promote English-Chinese bilingual teaching methods to meet the requirements of talents internationalization.
So far, XUT has established good academic cooperation communication relationships with 20 foreign universities and research institutes around the world. We will continue to strengthen the cooperation and exchanges with world-famous universities, actively establish new partnerships, and strive for transforming XUT into a predominant high level university with distinguishing features.
西安理工大学是国家“中西部高等教育振兴计划”入选高校,工信部 与陕西省共建高校,陕西省重点建设的高水平大学,陕西省“国内一流大学建设高校”。学校是我国水利水电、装备制造、印刷包装行业高级专门人才的重要培养基地和科研中心之一。
学校的前身是北京机械学院和陕西工业大学。两校的办学历史分别可以追溯至1919年创办的北平市公立商业补习学校和1937年成立的国立西安临时大学(后更名为国立西北联合大学)。1972年,北京机械学院和陕西工业大学合并组建陕西机械学院 ,隶属第一机械工业部。1994年,学校更名为西安理工大学。1998年,学校划转陕西省,管理体制调整为中央与陕西省共建,以陕西省管理为主。2002年,西安仪表工业学校整体并入西安理工大学。学校以1949年人民政府接管北京机械学院前身学校国立北平高级工业职业学校为校庆起始年,5月1日为校庆日。
学校建有金花、曲江、莲湖3个校区和1个大学科技园。有普通全日制本科生18000余名,博士、硕士研究生近9700名。有教职工2650人,其中高级职称1009人。现设17个学院和1个教学部,设68个本科专业,其中32个专业入选国家一流本科专业建设点,6个专业入选陕西省一流本科专业建设点,10个专业为国家特色专业建设点,16个专业通过工程教育专业认证(评估), 16个专业为陕西省特色专业建设点,8个专业为陕西省名牌专业。设有21个实验教学中心,其中3个国家级实验教学示范中心,18个省级实验教学示范中心,3个省级虚拟仿真实验教学中心。